Practice Makes Perfect

Photo credit: Lloyd Pointdexter. All rights reserved.
Put your newfound knowledge of cryptic crossword riddles to the test with these three practice puzzles.
Each puzzle comes in three versions:
(1) The regular version (no hints!)
(2) The easier version (each kind of riddles is identified)
(3) The easiest version (the definition portion of the clue is also revealed)
I suggest starting wtih the regular version and seeing how far you can get.
When you're stuck, take a peek at the easier version.
If you're still stuck, open the easiest version.
Ready to get started?
Each puzzle comes in three versions:
(1) The regular version (no hints!)
(2) The easier version (each kind of riddles is identified)
(3) The easiest version (the definition portion of the clue is also revealed)
I suggest starting wtih the regular version and seeing how far you can get.
When you're stuck, take a peek at the easier version.
If you're still stuck, open the easiest version.
Ready to get started?
Practice Puzzle #1
Like most cryptic crossword puzzles, this one has no particular theme. How far can you get with it?
Regular Version
Easier Version
Easiest Version
Practice Puzzle #2
This is another puzzle without a particular theme. How far can get before going to an easier version?
Regular Version
Easier Version
Easiest Version
Practice Puzzle #3
Ho ho ho! Can you solve this Christmas-themed puzzle?
RRegular Version
Easier Version
Easiest Version
Stuck? That's okay. If you contact me, I'll send you the solution to a clue.