It is a scene of laundry drying in the backyards of a Montreal suburb in very early spring, sometimes in the 1960s. The artist who painted it was my grandmother and like much of her work, the medium is unassuming and the scene is quietly domestic. And yet, I am transfixed at every viewing. When I stand before that painting, I feel as if, for just a moment, I have stepped back in time and into her life.
Anax has probably written thousands of clues and read thousands more, yet this one stayed with him, he said, because "it was one of those extremely rare ‘ideal’ clues where everything fitted perfectly."
When I put the question to the Cryptic Crossword Society — what clue has stayed with you over the years? — answers came back fast and furious. Some were classics (Senselessness, 1), others were whole narratives (Auracaria's disclosure of his cancer diagnosis), some I didn't get (Uncommonly tight, 2, 5, 2, 1, 4). One in particular was so clever, it's become a new favourite: Eggs on toast (6).
If you are a writer of clues, tell me: what is your "horcrux"? If you are a poet, dancer, photographer, artist, what is yours?